Monday, March 16, 2009


So here's a quick rundown of our move. We left on Thursday March 5th. We drove to Denver with only one stop in Grand Junction for lunch. Ian did amazing, (although I was in the other car the whole time). I think Dustin has all of Ian's kids songs memorized and his Nick JR movies memorize though. We stayed with my brother Paul and his wife Cari and their two girls until Sunday. On Saturday the 7th we left Ian with Paul and drove down to Pueblo to find a place to live. We found a nice 3 bedroom apartment, however, it wouldn't be ready until Wednesday the 11th. So we checked into a hotel for 3 days. Ian and I were sure happy to be out of that hotel. So we got our keys on Wednesday, but the mover didn't show up with our stuff until Sunday the 15th. I've never been so grateful to have a pot and pan, eating out gets old really fast. So I think we are finally settled.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Holly. Love your blog. This is a great way to be able to see Ian grow up (virtually I guess) cause you moved! I was hoping to come home for a visit and have you do my hair :( Sounds like some exciting things are happening wiht you and your family. Can't wait to hear more about your life in Colorado.