Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

This was our first Thanksgiving by ourselves. It was very weird. Dustin and I started potty training Ian that day so he was eating all kinds of crackers, pretzles and other snacks. So in the end he wasn't even hungry for Thanksgiving dinner (at lunchtime). So he and Ava went down for a nap and Dustin and I ate by ourselves. It was so quiet! By the way the potty training is going great. No more diapers for Ian except at night, Yay! So this year I am Thankful for Holly Llewellyn inspiring me to start potty training. Here is Ian the Pilgrim.

And Ava the Indian.

1 comment:

Annesa said...

you're so lucky!! Danika is scared to death of her potty. I don't think she will be ready until she's 5...but that's okay, she's my last so I am milking it.