Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Ava said her first word today. Any guesses on what it was............................Of Course it had to be Da Da! What's up with my kids and having da da be their first word? Oh well, I suppose it could be worse. Good thing they have an awesome Dad!


Andrea said...

If it makes you feel any better it's only been the last couple days Tori is finally saying Mama, regularly!

That picture of Ava is SO SO CUTE!

Holly Llewellyn said...

they do that to us don't they...who gets up all hours of the night to feed, and change 'em, who holds them day in and day out just to keep them happy, who patiently sits up to rock them back to sleep when they are sick or scared...MAMA! but nooooooooooo...they say dada...lil stinkers

sandy said...

You are beautiful, Ava!! Miss you!