Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Fathers and Sons campout

Dustin and Ian went to their first Fathers and Sons Campout last weekend. It sounds like they had a good time. I can't wait till we all go camping as a family. Here are a few photos from their trip. (I forced Dustin to take the camera).
Oh and by the way.... Do you notice Ian's chipped tooth. Sandy do you have any comments on that one. Just Kidding!

The boy in the red sweatshirt is Colby. He is 5 and Ian loves to play with him. They both LOVE "Cars" so they get along great.


sandy said...

Oh, man, don't remind me! Just tell yourself it gives him character!!

Holly Llewellyn said...

nice...our ward didn't do a fathers/sons campout this yr...boo...i was totally looking forward to sending neils off with matt for some camping fun...oh well, nest yr he will be able to take both kiddos :) ! looks like they had a good time, how did Ian chip his tooth?

Annesa said...

That looks like so much fun!! I too can't wait to go camping. I feel for Jim..no father and sons outing for him..maybe they will do a daddy daughter something or other.