Monday, April 18, 2011

Spring Break

I guess you can call it Spring Break when your 3 year old is off for Pre-school, right? Anyway we had a ton of fun going exploring while Ian was out of school. We started off the week having Ian practice T-ball, since the season is starting soon. We tried to go somewhere new everyday last week. Monday was freezing cold, so we didn't stay out too long. Ava wasn't too happy about me making her sit on this bench so I could get a photo of them.
She was much happier running around with Ian...

Wednesday ended up being much warmer as we went to a secret walking trail at Columbia Park.
Thursday we stopped by the Temple, where spring has sprung and....
Popcorn is popping on all the trees. Ian keeps shouting "there's popcorn on that tree", every time he sees a tree in bloom.
Friday we went kite flying.

Ava loved flying Ian's car kite. Then she calmly let it go when she was done flying it. I looked away for a split second, then realized the kite was soaring away. I chased it all across the soccer fields until it flew over the wall and into a neighborhood. It was too fast for me. We went searching for it in the car, but to no avail! Ian got to use his kite a grand total of 1 time before it was lost with the wind. Saturday we went for a walk on this little island on the Columbia River, there is a little land bridge that takes you to it.

Dustin and Ian had fun poking at a poor stink bug. Ava had to stop every 3 seconds to pick up a rock. She is obessed! It took us so long to get back to the car because she kept stopping.
If you'll notice her pockets are stuffed with rocks. She was very picky about the rocks she picked up. She only picked the ugly grey or brown ones for some reason. I would show her a colorful or interesting one and she wanted no part of it. This girl cracks me up.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

She is a funny girl..I could totally picture the kite flying and you chasing it!