Saturday, July 30, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday Ava!

Ava turned 2 on June 29th. We had two birthday parties for her. The first one was at Tiffany's house. We all went to St. George for my Dad's 60th surprise birthday party. Before he got there we had pizza and celebrated Ava's birthday. All of my family was there except Annesa's family. We wish she could have made it. Ava is more than obsessed with the color Pink. Sometimes it's hard for me because I am not a pink girl at all! I've learned to accept it though.

My mom picked her up a pinata for her birthday, when she asked me what kind to get I responded anything pink. She came home with this cute unicorn. Ian, Jaren, Jeffry, and Jade having pizza.

Ava and the dollhouse we made for her.

Her pink house cake melted in the St. George heat, not my best work. Better luck next year I guess.

Opening presents... Cari helped her get Cinderella dressed. With two 3 year old girls, she is a pro at playing dolls.

Tiffany made balloon animals for all the kids. She was an amazing hostess.

Pinata time....

After all the kids got a chance at the pinata, we gave my dad a chance at it, since it was his birthday too. As you can see he creamed it! Check out his concentration and flexed muscles!

Ava and I hanging out with some of her pinata candy.

The second birthday party was at the Cabin with Dustin's family. (Unfortunately Dustin couldn't make it to either party). Here is Carson, Auntie Andrea, Ava, Tori, Me and Ian.

This cake was much cuter than her other one, and it tasted amazing too. It is angel food cake stuffed with jello, cool whip, and berries and was brushed with orange juice. Yum!

The kids and I spent the week at the Cabin with Andrea and her kids. There will be more photos to come.

A few things about Ava at 2:

Her favorite color is pink.

She loves stuffed animals.

She likes to play in any type of water.

She calls every Disney Princess Tinkerbell.

She is extremely girly; loves to have her nails painted, and wear lip gloss, bracelets, etc.

Her favorite song is Once There Was a Snowman.

She loves almost all food.

Her favorite drink is chocolate milk.

She loves to jump on the trampolene.

She squeals every time she sees an animal or is excited about something.

We haven't figured out how to tame her curly hair yet.

She loves Betty Spaghetti.

Her pink sandles are her favorite shoes.

She has dracula teeth.

She has attitude problems, hopefully she will get it all out of her system before she is a teenager.

Her favorite movies are Finding Nemo, Kung Fu Panda, and WallE

More presents and cute birthday cards...

Thanks for everyone who made her birthday special, and who hosted her parties. Ava is truly loved by her parents, her brother (sometimes), and the rest of our families.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Happy Birthday AVA! We LOVE you!

I guess you should have named Ian something with a J! All of those J kids sitting at the table with him! He's kind of the odd man out!