Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Catch Up

I've had a bunch of pictures that I needed to blog about so I decided to lump them all into one post.
Starting out: I made pizza last night and while I was cutting up the pizza Ian grabbed the measuring cup full of flour and decided it would be fun to throw it up in the air and have it come down on he and Ava. Here they are after they had brushed some of the flour off...
Oh if you're wondering why Ava is wearing Ian's underwear, it's because she had a diaper rash and I wanted her to air out a bit, and I didn't want her to poop on the floor.

Here is Ava FINALLY starting to try to stand on her own.

Here is Ava on Lasagna Night...Hey at least she can feed herself.
This is a Family Home Evening of coloring and carving pumpkins. Although I didn't take any photos of the end result, I don't know why...
I just noticed Ava is half naked in most of these pictures. I really do dress her, but by the end of the day she wants me to take her shirt off, or I don't want it to get dirty when she is eating dinner.

We made some really yummy pumpkin seeds the next day.

Ian and Ava's new friend. This poor caterpillar was poked and prodded by these two for hours, I'm glad it survived them. It has been out on our patio for the past few days.

Of course, Ava is using her middle finger to touch the caterpillar.

Ian had his first Pre-School field trip to All Seasons Nursery. They had all kinds of animals, a corn maze, a hay bale pyramid, a pumpkin patch, and a hay bale maze. He had a blast.

This donkey looked exactly like Donkey from Shrek.

Ian and Ava on the Hay Bale ride out to the Pumpkin Patch.

They also did a snack time for the kids...

Here is Ian going down the hay bale pyramid.

Ian and Ava are both crawling through this tube that is in the middle of the hay bale pyramid
Can you see the top of Ian's head in the maze? He's wearing the red shirt.


Holly Llewellyn said...

so fun...matt always asks why the boys are just in their underwear at the end of the day...just like Ava, at the end of the day...the clothes come off, I totally understand. See you guys soon (wishing)

Annesa said...

Such fun pictures. I can't believe how much Ava has grown...maybe you should get her some girl panties, she might start wanting to wear boy unders instead ;) I think Ava will be catching up to Ian soon. Can't wait to see you guys!!