Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Croft Blood and OCD

Here is a group of the Croft men and their OCD ways.

Right now Ian counts everything. He counts how many bites are on his plate. How many stairs there are in our house, rocks outside, pictures on the wall, pieces of chicken that are cooking in the pan, cars, and every toy etc, etc, etc. Then he counts them all again. I fear he has the Croft blood and the OCD that comes along with it. Before we know it he will be stepping over shadows, corners or anything else that comes in his path. Or rubbing his thumb against his fingers like his Papa. You, with the Croft blood know what I am talking about. His shoes are never, nor have they ever been on the wrong feet, ever since he could put them on himself, they have always been on the correct feet.
He likes his bed made and his cars lined up in a perfect line, he is a perfectionist at folding his shorts and underwear, if his socks are a little crooked when he puts them on he freaks out. His cereal has to be equally submerged before he starts eating it, he does this by patting it down with the back of his spoon. He is very efficient at brushing his teeth, the same way every time, and usually brushes his tongue 3 times.

Ian is writing now, and if the letters are not perfect he cries and gets so frustrated even if he has never written that letter or number before, he usually says, "but it's not perfect" then cries more.

I know there are more weird things he does, but they are escaping my brain right now. Each time he does one I look at Dustin, shake my head, and say, "Thanks a lot".

I am grateful Ian will play out in the dirt and carry around worms, which means he has a smidgen of Hulet blood. But as soon as he is finished he demands to get in the bath. He doesn't like to stay dirty for long.


Andrea said...

HILAROUS! Ian must have gotten it from both lines because none of us, Crofts, are that crazy! OK...maybe we are! That is insane...although I would gladly take some of that with my children! I am not sure either of mine have the Croft OCD blood...time will tell..

Annesa said...

I love it!! That is so are going to have your hands full, but at least you won't have to worry about him having a dirty bedroom.