Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Trial

Today is the trial for Daija and Kayla. My stomach is in knots. I wish I would have just sucked it up and driven out there. Those girls are amazing! They have so much strength and faith. They have been through so much in their short lives. I know that today is in the Lord's hands, I just wish I could know what His will is for them. I believe He wants them to be in a safe home with the gospel, but maybe those are just my hopes. There have been so many miracles getting them this far, I pray they continue today. I am so grateful they have been able to live with their wonderful grandparents so far. I am so grateful they were able to go to church on Sunday and feel of our Heavenly Father's spirit there. They truly are a blessing in our lives, their mom did an amazing job raising them in somewhat difficult circumstances. I know she will be with them at court today, and that she is watching out for them always. Daija and Kayla, know that we Love you no matter what the outcome is today, and we will always be there for you, and will always be praying for you!

More to come when I hear more....

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