Monday, May 6, 2013

Saying goodbye to Grandma and Grandpa

After 3 Months we said goodbye to Grandma and Grandpa.  They were so kind to allow us to stay with them while our house was being built.  We had so much fun there.  We played games at every meal, drank too much hot chocolate, and spent most of our time by the nice warm fire. My parents were so helpful with the new baby.  They would drive, and pick up Ian and Ava from preschool, change diapers, and hold baby Brisa.  I have such amazing parents, they help out all of us kids SO much. My Mom is babysitting ALL THE TIME!!! I don't think there is a week that goes by when she isn't watching a grandkid somewhere, or taking care of her parents.  Thanks Mom and Dad for all you do!! Love ya!

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