Monday, May 6, 2013

Spring Break

The kids and I spent Spring Break in Panguitch with my sisters.
Panguitch always has an Easter egg hunt.  I took Ian over to it, Ava was being naughty so she didn't get to go.
 Here I am with Logan, Olivia, Sarah, Emily, Kennedy, Danika, Jim and Grandma Net.
 My sisters and I, acting weird as we usually do when we get together.   I never get to spend enough time with my sisters, the times we do get together are precious memories of mine! I was so happy Tiff could come up for the day, it is rare to have all four of us together.

 This is when you spend all day outside playing with cousins, you tend to get a little dirty...
Madison with Brisa...It was so good to see Annesa's girls, we don't get to see them enough!

 Ava LOVES Nessy Pooh, who calls Ava, Princess Pink!

 Of course the kids had to go for a ride on the sled behind the four wheeler.
 Saturday we headed down to St. George for Tessa's baby blessing and Jeffry's birthday party.

 It was nice to be in warmer weather for a few days.


Brittany said...

Love, Love, Love to see the pictures and hear the updates. Can't wait until you post pictures of the house. Glad to see you're doing well. The kids look great. Jasper still asks to visit 'big Ian' so we'll be sure to visit sometime this summer!

Annesa said...

it was sooo fun hanging out with you and your little kiddos!! I loved meeting Brisa, she is a cutie! I'm not sure why princess pink loves me so much, but I love it!!!