Thursday, May 7, 2009


I need help from everyone. I need some ideas of what I can do with Ian during the day. Annesa gave me some awesome ideas but I need more. I think I bore him. One idea Annesa had was to get sidewalk chalk. Lucky for me it was in the dollar section in Target. That idea was a great success as you can see from the pictures. I would really appreciate the help. Thanks everyone.
Ian's first sidewalk chalk drawing.


Andrea said...

I am fresh out of ideas!

I love the picture of Ian relaxing on the stairs! He looks SO content!

Hey, if there is a local library close by I know they usually have a story hour for little kids! Maybe Ian would like something like that.

What about swimming lessons for this summer? I think Bryson is going to take Tori to them...I guess that might be a little hard being that you are 7-9 months pregnant and will have another little one in July!

Man, I wish we lived closer!

Croft Family said...

We go to story time but they took the month of May off. Ugg!!!

Anonymous said...

Find a girlfriend for him!

Anonymous said...

Seriously, he needs a friend. Find a mommy group to join and hang out at the park.

The Llewellyn's said...

Our mall offers a weekly kids club where they do story and singing time. I also go to the library and park. My friend is constantly buying inexpensive crafts at the craft store, they make puppets on popcicle sticks, sock puppets and caterpillars out of pompom balls. good luck!

Joanne Pachtinger said...

Hello Holly:
Your blog is wonderful!!!!
It's so great to see how you are all moving along and how big Ian has grown. I can't wait to see the new addition to your family. You look wonderful as usual.
As for entertaining Ian, have you tried Leggos? He can build all sorts of things with Leggos, knock them down and build something new. They also sell short basketball nets. They are plastic and the ball is soft cushy material. He can try to make baskets. Everytime he makes a basket, cheer him on as to how wonderful he is. How about lawn polo, plastic bowling set, little trains or trucks that he has to assemble. Busy hands, happy mind!
I am wishing you all the best,
Your friend from Vegas,