Sunday, May 17, 2009

Ian Rocking Out

Ian seems to like Rockband more than Dustin and I, at least the drums. It was so hard to get the drum sticks away from him. He suprisingly has pretty good beat, unlike his mom.
Also last night we were able to get him to sleep on his crib mattress on the floor, (trying to prepare for the new baby). When we first laid him down he was a little freaked out and ran out crying, but we persisted to lay him back down and tell him it was time for bed. He wouldn't stay on the bed until I laid down by him. I laid there for probably two minutes until he was calm then told him goodnight and left. We didn't hear another peep out of him until this morning, where he stayed in his room until we went and got him. It was amazing that it actually worked. We're hoping he doesn't figure out he can just get up and play with his toys. We'll see though.


Andrea said...

I LOVE the second's like a candid shot of him actually playing! And, I hope Tori is that easy to train to sleep in a bed! Ian is SUCH a good kid!

Anonymous said...

Go, Ian, Go!! Show up mommy and daddy!


Annesa said...

I love it!!! He is getting so big.