Tuesday, June 2, 2009

San Diego

This past weekend May 28-31st I went to San Diego to visit for my last hurrah before the baby comes. I'm not sure when I am supposed to stop traveling so thankfully I didn't go into labor on the plane rides. In the back of my mind I always knew that Andrea's doctor was in Salt Lake (where my layover was) and Annesa's doctor was in San Diego, so I would be ok if anything happened. Anyway, Friday morning Annesa, Danika and I went to the Zoo. (They have season passes and a guest pass for me). After we picked up Kennedy and Madison from school Annesa gave me a much needed massage, it was sooo great to be able to lay on my stomach on her pregnancy pillow. Next we watched Kennedy in Gymnastics, she's amazing, she can do a back-hand-spring on the floor and she's only 7. That night we went out for sushi it was delicious! Although I can only eat the cooked stuff. Danika showed off her chopstick skills by eating rice with them. Saturday we spent the whole day just wandering through stores, I can't tell you how nice that is to do without kids. Thanks Jim and Dustin for watching the kids! Then I headed home Sunday morning. We also realized on Sunday that Madison's legs are as long as mine she has the longest legs of anyone I know! Everyone is growing up too fast. Thanks Annesa for the great weekend!! While I was gone Dustin and Ian made a fort to eat dinner in one night, and went to the movie "Up". They had a ton of fun without me. I was so happy to see how excited Ian was to see me, when I came over to the car he started screaming and laughing it was awesome!!

Annesa and Danika at the Gorillas, you can't see the baby Gorilla in the background.

Danika and I checking out the Hippo.

The new baby Giraffe.
There was a new exhibit, Elephany Odossy. It was really crowded.
Danika became my new best friend. She is able to say my name before her sisters. That made me feel cool.
Madison 11, Danika 22 months, Kennedy 7


Andrea said...

What a FUN trip! I can't believe you flew at 7 months. Maybe I am wrong, but I am not sure that is allowed! hehe

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you got to go and have a fabulous girls weekend with your sis! It is good for the soul.


Annesa said...

Thank you so much for coming and visiting. It was so nice just to have some girl time.

It was kind of weird to be able to sit and wait for a table for 45 min. and not worry about screaming or anxious children.

I had a blast!!